Winter Quarterly

January 22, 2025
10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Online: ZOOM

CRPA 2025 Winter Quarterly

10:00a - 12:00p: Potential & Pitfalls of AI for the Future 0.2 CEU’s

Join Neelay Bhatt as he addresses the crucial need for balancing innovation with inclusion and ethical consideration in Artificial Intelligence. This session's focus will be on sharing insights from the first national survey on Perception and Impact of Artificial Intelligence in parks and recreation (including data from CT) and showcase the various potential uses of AI while recognizing the challenges and dangers it poses. The content will include case studies from other agencies and strategies to ensure all future innovation is seen from an inclusive lens.

1:00p - 3:00p: Unleash the Power of Data: Transforming Parks & Recreation with AI  0.2 CEU’s

Join, a GovTech-100 leader, for a dynamic panel exploring how big data and AI are revolutionizing park management. Our expert panel, featuring Apurva Kumar (Founder) and Carl Nielson (Managing Director), will unveil cutting-edge technology solutions for quantifying visitation, measuring impact, boosting engagement, and designing parks that truly delight your communities. Parks and recreation departments face unprecedented challenges on tight budgets: increased pressure to promote health and wellness, ensure equitable access for all, and manage resources effectively. This session will explore how big data and AI can be leveraged to achieve these goals and increase local support and funding opportunities. Learn about CITYDATA’s technologies: CITYPARKS, CITYFLOW, CITYSURVEY, and CITYOP. Discover how park and recreation professionals are using these data solutions to: inform park planning & design by utilizing park usage patterns, dweller times, and visitor demographics; maximize community engagement by using data to tailor programs and activities; optimize operations & maintenance by utilizing foot traffic data; cultivate parks for equity & inclusion by identifying access disparities; and measure park system impact on health and wellness.