Aquatics Committee & Resources
This page is dedicated to all CRPA members who have an interest in pools, lakes, beachfronts, and aquatic activities. Here you can find committee meeting notices, highlights from the committee, links to related aquatics sites, and much more!
All CRPA members in good standing are welcome to attend our meetings! Please let us know what we should add to make this an even more useful resource. Click here to access the committee meeting dates & locations.
Aquatics/COVID Resources
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our options for cooling down on the beach or in an outdoor pool might be different this year, but there’s still a need to learn water safety.
If a child in your life isn’t able to take formal swim lessons right now, you can still help them learn to be safer around backyard pools, ponds or other bodies of water.
We're here to help parents, caregivers, and kids learn and share water safety knowledge and skills together. Below are a few FREE resources to help you do so:
- Longfellow the Whale helps kids learn and share water safety knowledge through his WHALE Tales. Each video has a lesson, activity sheet and quiz families can work on together. These short episodes are designed to be family-friendly and educational.
- The Water Safety for Parents and Caregivers Online Course focuses on developing an awareness of the risks of drowning and how to minimize those risks, especially for young children.
- The Red Cross Swim App gives you water safety tips at your fingertips! It also includes educational games and videos for kids, plus a swim lesson progress tracker. Text "SWIM” to 90999 to download.

Listings of aquatics classes offered in CT
Looking to take an aquatics certification course? Click the link above to find a list of aquatics courses currently offered around Connecticut.
If you offer lifeguard certification, recertification, WSI, or lifeguard instructor courses that are open to the public, click here to add your course to our website. Please note: in order for your course to be posted all fields must be filled out completly.

Aquatics Section Meeting: Informal Summer Check-In
Aquatics Resources
2010 ADA Standards For Accessible Design
2010 Department of Justice ADA Standards for Accessible Design
2015 Swimming Pool Code Summary & Updates
Connecticut State Building Codes - 2015 Swimming Pools Code Summary
American Red Cross, Connecticut
Information on all Connecticut Red Cross chapters, contact info, course info, disaster preparation information etc.
American Red Cross: Learning Center
A website dedicated to supporting American Red Cross instructors who deliver our lifesaving training programs - find course updates, digital materials, teaching tools, course record forms and more. Login required.
Aquatic Safety Research Group
Offers a wide variety of lectures and presentations which can be custom tailored to meet the needs of your particular audience. We believe we can address just about every water safety concern you may have.
CDC Model Aquatics Health Code
This page contains the MAHC 3rd Edition, the latest and current version of the MAHC. It was posted on July 18, 2018.
CDC Water Injury Prevention & Control
A collection of resources from the CDC on preventing water related injuries.
Coloring Activities
Provides printable coloring activities for children to help teach pool safety.
CT Department of Labor EMPLOYMENT OF MINORS Permitted Occupations for 14 & 15 Year-Olds
CT Department of Labor working requirements and parameters for 14 & 15 year olds
CT Department of Public Health - Splash Pad / Spray Park Warning Signage Requirement
Circular Letter EHDW #2023-30 - (Effective July 1, 2023) Not later than January 1, 2024, the owner or operator of each splash pad and spray park where water is recirculated shall post a sign in a conspicuous location at or near the entryway to the splash pad or spray park stating that the water is recirculated and warning that there is a potential health risk to persons ingesting the water.
CT Department of Public Health: Swimming Pools Regulations
Connecticut Statute - 19-13-B33b. Public pools
CT DPH Public Swimming Pool Regulations, Resources, & Forms
Find information from the Dept. of Public Health on the regulations and guidelines for public swimming pools.
Healthy Swimming
Atlanta-based Center for Disease Control's new program designed to reduce the spread of recreational water illnesses (RWIs)
Lifeguard Requirements for 15 Year Olds - FLSA Child Labor Laws
Lifeguard requirements for 15 year olds, per Federal Fair Labor Standards Act: Not at a Waterfront
Lifesaving Resources
Access to the latest authoritative information on water safety, water rescue, drowning statistics, seminars and more, the information-packed site for Lifesaving Resources.
Lightning Safety
Anything and everything about lightning safety. Information includes indoor and outdoor pools, boating, outdoor shelters and sports, personal safety and emergency action and evacuation plans.
National Drowning Prevention Alliance
Provides a list of pool safety tips for parents and caregivers
Pool Safety Tips
Provides tips to protect children from drowning from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Swimming Safety Tips
Whether it’s a trip to the beach or a dip in the community or backyard pool, you can ensure that swimming is as safe as it is fun by following a few basic safety tips.
Water Safety Guide for Children With Special Needs
This page contains water safety information and links from
Water Safety Tips for Parents
Water safety tips for parents including: importance of supervision, swimming lessons, what to do in an emergency, and general safety tips