Parks & Recreation... So Much More
Parks and recreation departments are vitally important to establishing and maintaining quality of life in a community, contributing to its economic and environmental well-being, and promoting the mental and physical health of its residents. This was never more apparent than during the COVID-19 shutdown.
This past year sparked a change in the perceived value of parks and recreation departments’ programs, facilities, and services. A new budget year is approaching, and it is more important than ever to advocate for your department while highlighting these accomplishments and building support for the future.
To facilitate this, CRPA has developed a “So Much More” Social Media Toolkit with video, graphics, statistics, and suggested social media messages. Use this toolkit to demonstrate to local elected officials and your community at large that parks and recreation departments provide essential services and are “so much more” than the outdated perceptions of the past. We hope you will find these resources helpful as you engage your community during these unprecedented times.
CRPA has developed a 60-second video “Parks and Recreation… So Much More” to help modernize people’s perception of parks and recreation. This video shows that our departments offer essential services that are inclusive, affordable, and contribute to mental & physical wellness.
As we enter a new budget year, fighting to maintain (or keep) funding could prove to be an uphill battle. This video is intended to supplement your budget packets as a way of highlighting parks and recreation as an essential service and building support for future years.
Use the supplemental statistics and information in the toolkit below to augment and amplify the message in the video.
CLICK HERE to download the complete toolkit with supplemental statistics and sample social media posts to use on your own social medai outlets. Right click on any of the images below to save them for use on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!